Feb 25, 2014

Girls Inspire Girls

My gig is up! 6 months done. I can't believe I blogged every week for 6 months for Artistcellar and my time on the Design Team is over. It was fun. It was challenging. I'm not sure yet if it was what I expected or not, but I did realize I can blog regularly and it's not overwhelming. I have started to think about creating my own website for my work and maybe even try to sell! We'll see. I hope you'll go visit my post today. I love what I created!

1 comment:

  1. You should certainly try it out! Making a website isn't easy, but there are several free web-based services that you can use. You should have gotten some response on your prior gig, so you may have an audience already. In case you decide that maintaining a website to be too rigorous, this blog can help in the meantime to build up an audience that you can use for a successful website launch later. Good luck!

    Ty York @ Ridge Top Marketing
